The awards, supported by different stakeholders, are intended to honour those individuals whose careers over the years exemplify dedication to research, media reporting, entertainment, education and promotion of health matters in alignment with the conference theme.

  • 1.     Nominations for Individuals

    For each nomination made for an individual, nominators should also include a recent Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the nominee. Key information, where applicable, that should be in the CV should include;

           i.          Education

    A list of the individual’s undergraduate and graduate education and postdoctoral training as indicated below;

    ·        Undergraduate Institution(s): Major, Degree, and Year

    ·        Graduate Institution(s): Major, Degree, and Year

    ·        Postdoctoral Institution(s): Area and Inclusive Dates(years)

         ii.         Appointments/Awards/Honors

    A list in chronological order (going back no more than 10 years), of the individual’s academic and professional appointments beginning with the current appointment. This should also include awards/honors conferred upon the individual.

        iii.          Publications

    A list of publications, book chapters, books, technical reports or poster/oral abstracts presented at conferences/symposia as examples of the nominee's research. Each publication identified must include the names of all authors (in the same sequence in which they appear in the publication), the article and journal title, book title, volume number, page numbers, and year of publication. If the document is available electronically, the website address or DOI may also be identified. Patents, copyrights and software systems developed may be substituted for publications.

    For media personnel, nominators will be required to provide a justification for the nominee. This can include details of published articles in various media outlets including newspapers or magazines, and documentaries produced for television or other distribution.

        iv.          Funding/R&D Leadership

    A list of the 10 most recent awards received including sponsor, start and end date, amount of funding, title, and an indication of status (PI or co-PI). A list of projects where the nominee served in a leadership role.

         v.          Mentoring

    An indication of students, postdoctoral scholars or groups in the broader community who have been impacted by the mentorship or research activities of the nominee.

        vi.        Evidence of scientific communication (for reporters, researchers and communications professionals)

    A portfolio of communications material contributed to in the last 2 years including press releases, websites designed, featured articles, fact sheets, policy briefs, pitches, social media posts created for an organization, videos developed, branding campaigns, and reports, strategies and other documents designed.

    2.     Nominations for Institutions

    For each nomination made for an institution, nominators should provide the following information;

    i.         Recognitions/Awards/Honors

    A list in chronological order (going back no more than 10 years), of the recognitions the institutions has received including awards, medals, honorific mentions etc.

         ii.          Publications

    A list of publications, book chapters, books, technical reports or poster/oral abstracts presented at conferences/symposia by individuals affiliated with the institution as examples of the nominee's research. Each publication identified must include the names of all authors (in the same sequence in which they appear in the publication), the article and journal title, book title, volume number, page numbers, and year of publication. If the document is available electronically, the website address or DOI may also be identified. Patents, copyrights and software systems developed may be substituted for publications.

        iii.          Funding/R&D Leadership

    A list of the 10 most recent grants received including sponsor, start and end date, amount of funding, and title of project.

  • 1. Individual

    CVs will be collected through Dropbox using a link that will be provided at the end of each nomination form. Files should be named as follows: "Award Name_Name of Nominee_CV". Example: Outstanding Female Researcher Award_Margaret Phiri_CV

    Note: All files must be in .pdf format. Where applicable, links should be included in the document.

    2. Institution

    Documents will be collected through Dropbox using a link that will be provided on the relevant form. Files should be named as follows: "Name of Institution_Award Name_Proof of KT Impact". Example: Madzi Amoto Limited_Knowledge Translation Award_Proof of KT Impact

    Note: All files must be one document in .pdf format. Where applicable, links should be included in the document.



    ·         The Joseph Kasonde – Knowledge Translation Award recognizes an exemplary research institution and a senior-level researcher who have consistently upheld rigorous standards of research and successfully translated their findings into tangible and impactful outcomes that have enriched society. This prestigious accolade celebrates the remarkable achievements of individuals and organizations that have bridged the gap between academic inquiry and real-world application, fostering positive change and advancing the well-being of communities.

    • The award package includes a certificate, a shield and a cash prize.

    Eligibility criteria

    In the context of this award, research refers to peer-reviewed, adjudicated or equivalent research outcomes and/or creative activity (including performance).

    a.    Individual nominees

    1)    Nominees must be of Zambian origin.

    2)    The candidate should have at least Ten (10) years of research experience and must have demonstrated research impact (based on publication citations, patents or other evidence of research uptake), at least thirty (30) publications in peer reviewed international journals, with at least half of these as first or last author and evidence of attracting research grants or development funds.

    3)    Nominees will be evaluated on the quality, innovation, and importance/impact of their research and/or creative accomplishments. Indicators of outstanding performance reflective of international recognition, that may be considered include:

                              i.        Evidence of scholarly dissemination (e.g. publication in refereed journals or series or by publishers recognized as leaders in the field, performances of artistic works, leadership performances (conducting, directing), juried art shows, archival projects, etc.).

                             ii.        High ratings of the publication and other research or creative work as attested (where appropriate) by citation indices, references in published literature, or in letters from distinguished scholars or critics in the field.

                            iii.        Awards by professional associations for outstanding research or creative work.

                           iv.        Demonstrate development of innovative approaches to translating research findings into practical solutions or interventions that address real-world problems or needs.

                             v.        Awarded grants amounting between $200,000 and above based on competitive jury recommendations.

                           vi.        Research leadership, as evidenced by team achievements.

                          vii.        Any other clear evidence of exceptional contribution to the chosen field.

    b.    Institutions

    1)    Institutions must be conducting health research in Zambia.

    2)    The institution should have a presence of at least 5 years of conducting health research or implementing health programmes in Zambia.

    3)    The level of institutionalization of research (e.g. research as core business or having a functional research department in the institution) will define the Research Institutions. Hence Research Institutions will include Academic Institutions with evidence of conducting health related research as well as those institutions whose core mandate is health research or research that includes health.

    4)    The number of research outputs (publications), at least 25 publications, from the research institution, if available, will form a critical key criterion for consideration.

    5)    Nominated institutions will be evaluated on the quality, innovation, and importance/impact of their research and/or creative accomplishments. Indicators of outstanding performance, reflective of international recognition, that may be considered include:

                              i.        Evidence of scholarly dissemination (e.g., publication in refereed journals or series or by publishers recognized as leaders in the field, performances of artistic works, leadership performances (conducting, directing), juried art shows, archival projects, etc.).

                             ii.        High ratings of the publication and other research or creative work as attested (where appropriate) by citation indices, references in published literature, or in letters from distinguished scholars or critics in the field.

                            iii.        Awards by professional associations for outstanding research or creative work.

                           iv.        Awarded grants amounting to $100,000 and above based on competitive jury recommendations.

                             v.        Research leadership, as evidenced by team achievements.

                           vi.        Any other clear evidence of exceptional contribution to the chosen field.

    Guidelines for selection of awardees:

    1)    Call for nominations will be posted on the NHRA website and the conference web page. A memo will also be sent out to all Research Institutions and the wider research community.

    2)    Nominations may be made by students, researchers, and research institutions (within and outside of Zambia).

    3)    The Scientific Research Awards Sub-Committee of the Zambia Health Research Conference shall review nominations, and make recommendations on who shall be selected to receive the award.

    4)    Nominees will be adjudicated based upon the quality, excellence and impact of their research and/or creative activity in Zambia and beyond. The candidate’s national and international stature as assessed by the peers in their field will form a vital piece of the overall selection.

    Click here to nominate


    This award recognizes a senior-level researcher with over 15 years of research experience within and outside Zambia. This esteemed individual has exhibited a steadfast commitment to scholarly excellence within their field, exemplifying a consistent high level of scholarship. Their contributions extend beyond mere research endeavours; encompassing adept supervision of graduate students and dedicated mentoring activities. Moreover, the impact of their research and/or creative pursuits resonates on a global scale, reflecting an international stature that distinguishes them as a leader in their field.

    ·         The award includes a certificate, a shield and a cash prize.

    Eligibility criteria:

    In the context of this award, research refers to peer-reviewed, adjudicated or equivalent research outcomes and/or creative activity (including performance).

    1)    Nominees must be of Zambian origin.

    2)    The candidate should not have won a ZHRC International Senior Researcher Award in previous years.

    3)    The candidate should have a PhD or equivalent in a relevant discipline, at least fifteen years of research experience, demonstrated research impact (based on publication citations, patents or other evidence of research uptake), at least sixty (60) publications in peer reviewed international journals, with at least half of these as first or last author and evidence of attracting research grants or development funds.

    4)    Nominees will be evaluated on the quality, innovation, and importance of their research and/or creative accomplishments. Indicators of outstanding performance, reflective of international recognition, that may be considered include:

                                  i.        Evidence of scholarly dissemination (e.g., publication in refereed journals or series or by publishers recognized as leaders in the field, performances of artistic works, leadership performances (conducting/ directing), juried art shows, archival projects, etc.).

                                 ii.        High ratings of the publications and other research or creative work as attested (where appropriate) by citations indices, references in published literature, or in letters from distinguished scholars or critics in the field.

                                iii.        Awards by professional associations for outstanding research or creative work.

                               iv.        Awarded grants amounting between $350,000 and above based on competitive jury recommendations.

                                 v.        Research leadership, as evidenced by team achievements.

                               vi.        Any other clear evidence of exceptional contribution to the chosen field.

    Guidelines for selection of awardees:

    1)    Call for nominations will be posted on the NHRA website and the Conference web page. A memo will also be sent out to all Research Institutions and the wider research community.

    2)    Nominations may be made by students, researchers, and research institutions (within and outside of Zambia)

    3)    The Scientific Research Awards Sub-Committee of the Zambia Health Research Conference shall review nominations, and make recommendations on who shall be selected to receive the award.

    4)    Nominees will be adjudicated based upon the quality, excellence and impact of their research and/or creative activity in Zambia and beyond. The candidate’s national and international stature as assessed by the peers in their field will form a vital piece of the overall selection.
    Click here to nominate


    • This award honours emerging researchers, with at least 7 years of completion of a Masters or PhD, who has already made significant strides in their field, poised to become a leader in the scientific community, including undergraduate and graduate  student supervision and other mentoring activities, and whose research and/or creative activity is of a truly international stature. This prestigious accolade recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional promise and achievement in their mid-career stage, showing significant potential for continued impact and innovation in their respective fields.

    • Moreover, recipients of this award have demonstrated the global reach and impact of their research and/or creative endeavours, positioning them as rising starts on the international stage.

    • The award includes a certificate, a shield and a cash prize.

    Eligibility criteria:

    In the context of this award, research refers to peer-reviewed, adjudicated or equivalent research outcomes and/or creative activity (including performance).

    1)    Nominees must be of Zambia origin.

    2)    The candidate should not have won a ZHRC Upcoming Researcher: Mid-Career Award in previous years.

    3)      The candidate should have at least 7 years of research experience and must have demonstrated research impact (based on publication citations, patents or other evidence of research uptake), at least twenty (20) publications in peer reviewed international journals, with at least half of these as first author and evidence of attracting research grants or development funds.

    4)    Nominees will be evaluated on the quality, innovation, and importance of their research and/or creative accomplishments.

    5)    Indicators of outstanding performance, reflective of international recognition, that may be considered include:

                                    i.        Evidence of scholarly dissemination (e.g., publication in referee d journals or series or by publishers recognized as leaders in the field, performances of artistic works, leadership performances (conducting, directing), juried art shows, archival projects, etc.).

                                   ii.        High ratings of the publications and other research or creative work as attested (where appropriate) by citations indices, by references in published literature, or in letters from distinguished scholars or critics in the field.

                                  iii.        Awards by professional associations for outstanding research or creative work.

                                 iv.        Awarded grants amounting to $50,000 and above based on competitive jury recommendations as PI or co-PI.

                                   v.        Research leadership, as evidenced by team achievements.

                                 vi.        Any other clear evidence of exceptional contribution to the chosen field.

    Guidelines for selection of awardees:

    1)    Call for nominations will be posted on the NHRA website and the Conference web page. A memo will also be sent out to all Research Institutions and the wider research community.

    2)    Nominations may be made by students, researchers, and research institutions (within and outside of Zambia)

    3)    The Scientific Research Awards Sub-Committee of the Zambia Health Research Conference shall review nominations, and make recommendations on who shall be selected to receive the award.

    4)    Nominees will be adjudicated based upon the quality, excellence and impact of their research and/or creative activity in Zambia and beyond. The candidate’s national and international stature as assessed by the peers in their field will form a vital piece of the overall selection.

    Click here to nominate


    • This award acknowledges accomplishments of promising researchers who are within 3–6 years of completing their Masters and/or PhD. This prestigious accolade recognizes individuals who have exhibited exemplary scholarship within their field, showcasing not only a dedication to rigorous research but also a commitment to mentoring and guiding undergraduate or graduate students.

    • The award includes a certificate, a shield and a cash prize. Where funding is available, the winner of the award may also be offered short-term employment with a potential sponsor’s organization to develop their research skills.

    Eligibility criteria:

    In the context of this award, research refers to peer-reviewed, adjudicated or equivalent research outcomes and/or creative activity (including performance).

    1)    Nominees must be of Zambian origin.

    2)    The candidate should not have won a ZHRC Upcoming Researcher: Early-Career Award in previous years.

    3)    The candidate should have at least 5 years of research experience and must have demonstrated research impact (based on publication citations, patents or other evidence of research uptake), at least ten (10) publications in peer reviewed international journals.

    4)    Nominees will be evaluated on the quality, innovation, and importance of their research and/or creative accomplishments.

    5)    Indicators of outstanding performance, reflective of international recognition, that may be considered include:

                                    i.    Evidence of scholarly dissemination (e.g., publication in refereed journals or series or by publishers recognized as leaders in the field, performances of artistic works, leadership performances (conducting, directing), juried art shows, archival projects, etc.).

                                   ii.    High ratings of the publications and other research or creative work as attested (where appropriate) by citations indices, references in published literature, or in letters from distinguished scholars or critics in the field.

                                  iii.    Awards by professional associations for outstanding research or creative work.

                                 iv.    Awarded grants amounting between $30,000 and above based on competitive jury recommendations, as PI co-PI.

                                   v.    Research leadership, as evidenced by team achievements.

                                 vi.    Any other clear evidence of exceptional contribution to the chosen field.

    Guidelines for selection of awardees:

    1)    Call for nominations will be posted on the NHRA website and the Conference web page. A memo will also be sent out to all Research Institutions and the wider research community.

    2)    Nominations may be made by students, researchers, and research institutions (within and outside of Zambia)

    3)    The Scientific Research Awards Sub-Committee of the Zambia Health Research Conference shall review nominations, and make recommendations on who shall be selected to receive the award.

    4)    Nominees will be adjudicated based upon the quality, excellence and impact of their research and/or creative activity in Zambia and beyond. The candidate’s national and international stature as assessed by the peers in their field will form a vital piece of the overall selection.

    Click here to nominate


       This award recognizes a female researcher in Zambia who has made outstanding contributions to their scholarly disciplines and the research environment in Zambia.

    • The award includes a certificate, a shield and a cash prize.

    • The award includes a certificate, a shield and a cash prize

    Eligibility criteria:

    In the context of this award, research refers to peer-reviewed, adjudicated or equivalent research outcomes and/or creative activity (including performance).

    1)    Nominees must be of Zambian origin.

    2)    The candidate should have at least fifteen years of research experience, must have at least fifty (50) publications in peer reviewed international journals, 30 of these as first author and evidence of attracting research grants or development funds.

    3)    Nominees will be evaluated on the quality, innovation, and importance of their research and/or creative accomplishments.

    4)    Indicators of outstanding performance, reflective of international recognition, that may be considered include:

                                  i.        Evidence of scholarly dissemination (e.g., publication in refereed journals or series or by publishers recognized as leaders in the field, performances of artistic works, leadership performances (conducting, directing), juried art shows, archival projects, etc.).

                                 ii.        High ratings of the publications and other research or creative work as attested (where appropriate) by citations indices, references in published literature, or in letters from distinguished scholars or critics in the field.

                                iii.        Awards by professional associations for outstanding research or creative work.

                               iv.        Awarded grants amounting to $40,000 and above based on competitive jury recommendations.

                                 v.        Research leadership, as evidenced by team achievements.

                               vi.        Any other clear evidence of exceptional contribution to the chosen field.

    Guidelines for selection of awardees:

    1)    Call for nominations will be posted on the NHRA website and the Conference web page. A memo will also be sent out to all Research Institutions and the wider research community.

    2)    Nominations may be made by students, researchers, and research institutions (within and outside of Zambia).

    3)    The Scientific Research Awards Sub-Committee of the Zambia Health Research Conference shall review nominations, and make recommendations on who shall be selected to receive the award.

    4)    Nominees will be adjudicated based upon the quality, excellence and impact of their research and/or creative activity in Zambia and beyond. The candidate’s national and international stature as assessed by the peers in their field will form a vital piece of the overall selection.

    Click here to nominate


    • This award recognizes a Postgraduate Diploma, Masters or PhD level student in Zambia. This award aims at acknowledging a student researcher that has demonstrated exemplary scholastic work in both their academics and research within any field.

    • The award also encourages developing researchers to pursue careers in various aspects of health research.

    •    The award includes a certificate, a shield and a cash prize. Where funding is available, the winner of the award may also be offered short-term employment with a potential sponsor’s organization to develop their research skills.

    Eligibility criteria:

    In the context of this award, research refers to peer-reviewed, adjudicated or equivalent research outcomes and/or creative activity (including performance).

    1)    Nominees must be enrolled in or completed a Postgraduate Diploma, Masters or PhD programme within the last 24 months (2 years).

    2)    Nominees should have submitted an abstract for presentation at the ZHRC.

    3)    Nominees should not have previously won a Postgraduate Student Researcher Award or presented their research at another conference.

    4)    Nominees will be evaluated on the quality, innovation, and importance of their research and/or creative accomplishments.

    5)    Indicators of outstanding performance, reflective of international recognition, that may be considered include:

                                  i.        Evidence of scholarly dissemination (e.g., publication in refereed journals or series or by publishers recognized as leaders in the field, performances of artistic works, leadership performances (conducting, directing), juried art shows, archival projects, etc.).

                                 ii.        High ratings of the publications and other research or creative work as attested (where appropriate) by citations indices, references in published literature, or in letters from distinguished scholars or critics in the field.

                                iii.        Awards by professional associations for outstanding research or creative work (relevant for PhD scholars).

                               iv.        Awards of recognition by their University of study (i.e. Best Graduating Student)     

                               v.        Research leadership, as evidenced by team achievements.

                              vi.        Any other clear evidence of exceptional contribution to the chosen field.

    Guidelines for selection of awardees:

    1)    Call for nominations will be posted on the NHRA website and the Conference web page. A memo will also be sent out to all Research Institutions and the wider research community.

    2)    Nominations may be made by students, researchers, and research institutions (within and outside of Zambia).

    3)    The Scientific Research Awards Sub-Committee of the Zambia Health Research Conference shall review nominations, and make recommendations on who shall be selected to receive the award.

    4)    Nominees will be adjudicated based upon the quality, excellence and impact of their research and/or creative activity in Zambia and beyond. The candidate’s national and international stature as assessed by the peers in their field will form a vital piece of the overall selection.
    Click here to nominate


       This award recognizes excellence in public health storytelling through art (written, spoken, song, or visual). The goal of the award is to recognize content that enhances the public's understanding and appreciation of health education, policy, or practices.

    ·         The award includes a certificate, a shield and a cash prize.

    Eligibility criteria:

    1)    Entries are judged on scientific accuracy, initiative, originality, clarity of interpretation and value in fostering a better understanding of public health.

    2)    Suitability of the content for the target audience.

    3)    Sustained effort in communicating public health information through storytelling.

    4)    Awardee should not have won a previous ZHRC Best Artist in Health Award.

    Guidelines for selection of awardees:

    1)    Call for nominations will be posted on the NHRA website and the Conference web page. A memo will also be sent out to all Research Institutions and the wider research community.

    2)    Nominations may be made by students, researchers, and research institutions (within and outside of Zambia).

    3)    The Scientific Research Awards Sub-Committee of the Zambia Health Research Conference shall review nominations, and make recommendations on who shall be selected to receive the award.

    4)    Nominees will be adjudicated based upon the quality, excellence and impact of their research and/or creative activity in Zambia and beyond. The candidate’s national and international stature as assessed by the peers in their field will form a vital piece of the overall selection.
    Click here to nominate


           These awards recognize excellence of journalists, researchers or communications professionals in public health communication via broadcast media outlets (television and radio), print media outlets (newspapers, art, magazines), and scientific communication by organizations.

    ·         The goal of these awards is to recognize content that enhances the public's understanding and appreciation of health education, policy, or practices. Entries are judged on scientific accuracy, initiative, originality, clarity of interpretation and value in fostering a better understanding of public health.

    ·         The award includes a certificate, a shield and a cash prize. Where funding is available, the winner of the award, if it is a reporter/journalist, may also be offered short-term employment or training with a potential sponsor’s organization to develop their skills in health research communication.

    Eligibility criteria: 

    1)    Articles published by a news media outlet, including newspapers, popular magazines and TV news websites, are eligible along with stories broadcast by recognized TV and radio news outlets, and documentaries produced for TV or other public distribution.

    2)    Communication material including press releases, websites designed, featured articles, fact sheets, policy briefs, pitches, social media posts created for an organization, videos developed, branding campaigns, and reports, strategies and other documents designed are also eligible for communications professionals.

    3)    Awardee should not have won a previous ZHRC Best Print Media Health Reporter Award or Best Broadcast Media Health Reporter Award.

    Guidelines for selection of awardees:

    1)    Call for nominations will be posted on the NHRA website and the Conference web page. A memo will also be sent out to all Research Institutions and the wider research community.

    2)    Nominations may be made by students, researchers, and research institutions (within and outside of Zambia)

    3)    The Scientific Research Awards Sub-Committee of the Zambia Health Research Conference shall review nominations, and make recommendations on who shall be selected to receive the award.

    4)    Nominees will be adjudicated based upon the quality, excellence and impact of their research and/or creative activity in Zambia and beyond. The candidate’s national and international stature as assessed by the peers in their field will form a vital piece of the overall selection.
    Click here to nominate


        This award aims to recognize a researcher that makes an outstanding oral presentation of their research.

    ·         The award includes a certificate, a shield and a cash prize.

    Eligibility criteria:

    In the context of this award, research refers to peer-reviewed, adjudicated or equivalent research outcomes and/or creative activity (including performance).

    1)    The researcher should have presented their research during the Zambia Health Research Conference.

    2)    The research should not have been presented at any other conference.

    3)    The oral presentation must meet the following requirements:

    ·         Background provides appropriate perspective/context for the subject.

    ·         Objectives/research questions are clearly stated.

    ·         Research design/methods/modelling is appropriate and transparent (scores on this will determine winners in case of ties).

    ·         Data sources and/or sampling procedures are clear and appropriate.

    ·         Research objectives are met/addressed.

    ·         Factual information is kept separate from interpretations or implications.

    ·         Abstract is presented in an unbiased manner.

    ·         Clarity of presentation.

    Guidelines for selection of awardees:

    1)    The Research Awards Committee of the Zambia Health Research Conference shall constitute a panel of jurors.

    2)    Each juror shall evaluate orally presented abstracts across the sub-themes using criteria set by the Research Awards Sub-Committee. The evaluation criteria will be as follows;

    ·         Content of the presentation (45%)

    ·         Clarity and flow of the presentation (20%)

    ·         Novelty/contribution to the field (25%)

    ·         Timing (10%)

    3)    The average mark assigned to an abstract by the jurors will be taken as the final mark

    4)    The conference Chair will then make the final decision and endorse the marks assigned by the jurors.
    Click here to nominate


      This award aims to recognize a researcher that makes an outstanding oral presentation of their research.

    ·         The award includes a certificate, a shield and a cash prize.

    Eligibility criteria:

    In the context of this award, research refers to peer-reviewed, adjudicated or equivalent research outcomes and/or creative activity (including performance).

    1)    The researcher should have presented their research during the Zambia Health Research Conference.

    2)    The research should not have been presented at any other conference.

    3)    The poster must meet the following requirements;

    ·         Background provides appropriate perspective/context for the subject.

    ·         Objectives/research questions are clearly stated.

    ·         Research design/methods/modelling is appropriate and transparent (scores on this will determine winners in case of ties).

    ·         Data sources and/or sampling procedures are clear and appropriate.

    ·         Research objectives are met/addressed.

    ·         Factual information is kept separate from interpretations or implications.

    ·         Abstract is presented in an unbiased manner.

    ·         Clarity of presentation.

    Guidelines for selection of awardees:

    1)    The Research Awards Committee of the Zambia Health Research Conference shall constitute a panel of jurors.

    2)    Each juror shall evaluate orally presented abstracts across the sub-themes using criteria set by the Research Awards Sub-Committee. The evaluation criteria will be as follows:

    ·         Depth of content (40%)

    ·         Introduction and abstract (15%)

    ·         Content knowledge and organization (20%)

    ·         Poster design and overall visual appeal (10%)

    ·         Verbal interaction (15%)

    3)    The average mark assigned to an abstract by the jurors will be taken as the final mark.

    4)    The conference Chair will then make the final decision and endorse the marks assigned by the jurors.
    Click here to nominate


Award nominations are open from 29th May 2024 to 31st July 2024. All award nominations should be made via the provided nomination forms. Any nominations that are not submitted via the nomination forms will not be considered.


The Scientific Awards Sub-Committee will consider eligible nominations and reach a decision on the 2024 awardees. The awardees of the 11th Zambia Health Research Conference will be announced in August 2024. The awards will be given during the 11th Zambia Health Research Conference.